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Positive news for growers with the passing of the Port of Newcastle (Extinguishment of Liability) Bill by NSW Parliament. GrainGrowers welcomes this significant step forward in improving competition and delivering effective regulation at Australian ports.

The bill removes the cap on containers at the Port of Newcastle that impedes competition between ports and deters investment.

This move opens the way for the Port of Newcastle to invest $2.4 billion in building a second container port in NSW, reducing congestion at the Port of Botany and improving the efficient movement of grain to market.

Given the Port of Newcastle's strategic location and the existing road and rail infrastructure, there is the potential for many growers to reduce transport costs and improve our global competitiveness.

The bill also highlights the urgent need for broader port reform to keep freight prices competitive for growers.

Other issues impacting Australia's overall productivity and competitiveness include skyrocketing port terminal charges, protracted industrial action and ongoing delays at ports across Australia.

As an export-orientated industry, a well-functioning maritime logistics system is critical to your farm businesses and GrainGrowers will continue to lobby to address these issues.

